New App Releases & Updates

I don’t know if you’re familiar with the Gutenberg Project if you like to read. It is a long-established digitization project that aims to make great works available in a way that makes them easier to preserve, distribute, and read without worrying about copyright issues. Since its inception in 1971, the Gutenberg Project has collected more than 60,000 works in a variety of genres, including science, fiction, and fairy tales, and in many languages, mostly English. You can visit the official Gutenberg Project website to check out the books, or if you want to download and read them on your cell phone, then I recommend the Myne app.

Myne is an open source and free Gutenberg Project client that uses the Material You design style and adapts the system color palette for dynamic color extraction, but the app does not adapt to the theme icons. In addition to accessing the Gutenberg Project for book resources, Myne also matches book metadata through gutendex and Google Books, the former of which is also an open source project designed to convert the complex book information in the Gutenberg Project into a more easily invoked JSON data distribution.

Myne is also very easy to use, we find the book we need and click download. It should be noted, however, that Myne does not provide a reading function, and requires an additional e-book reader in the phone to open. And most of the works in the Gutenberg Project only retain the basic text content, and do not do more detailed layout and beautification, so the look and feel is not very good, but it is more suitable for reading on the ink screen reader. With the Gutenberg Project and Myne, we can easily find some famous English original books, if you are interested in Myne, you can download Myne for free from Github, F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid.

FoodNoms is a simple calorie logging tool that tracks your food intake and daily consumption in real time to help you keep track of your fitness plans. Before activating FoodNoms, it will first confirm with you your physical condition and fitness goals such as weight loss, muscle gain, and maintenance, and make a daily list of various nutrients based on your goals. The app will also synchronize your daily calorie consumption in real time with the built-in health data and adjust the threshold of energy intake at any time.

Recording food data is also a very convenient thing on FoodNoms, you can directly search for food or brand names to record data manually, or you can directly shoot the food barcode or nutrition facts to quickly register the food to eat. After completing a day’s record, you can clearly see which indicators are overdosed and which nutrients are underdosed in the card at the top of the app, and the app will also provide you with suggestions based on this data before your future meals. In addition, the app provides multi-platform support for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch, so you can record and track relevant information at any time, whether you stay at home or exercise at the gym.

FoodNoms is simple and easy to use, but if you are not in an English-speaking region, its ease of use is greatly diminished. Since it only supports English, you need to translate food from other regions into English first, and it’s hard to get accurate results in the search, barcode search and ingredient list recognition in other languages are not available at all, and the dietary advice provided is not always easy to implement.


The advantage of MenubarX is that it can be used like a desktop widget to quickly open mobile web pages in the menu bar, for example, you can quickly open a PWA application or a mobile web page, swipe a social networking site or order take-out, all without any fanfare. MenubarX is also evolving, and in the recently released v1.5.7 update, this menu bar browser has added many features to make it more convenient for you to use.

By default, the MenubarX browser window is based on the size of the iPhone SE, and although there are presets available for its = it models, it is obviously less flexible than customizing the window size. For example, I developed a web application that needs to test the display effect under the folding screen, and the custom window size can make the effect closer to the real device.

Another change is the browser UA. In some scenarios we need to test for different UA conditions to test if there are compatibility issues with different devices and browsers. In the new version of MenubarX, we can manually modify the current user UA, and also add the UA of many new devices, such as the latest iPhone 14.

The last new feature is the ability to open bookmarks in a new tab. For example, if we open a URL with MenubarX and want to access it easily in the future, we can set it as a bookmark so that the next time we need to access it, we can create a new tab and open the saved bookmark from it to access it.

Grow is an automated health recording and habit-forming tool that has gained a lot of popularity among Quantified Self enthusiasts with its beautiful design and rich information presentation. Recently, Grow has been updated to version 1.9, with new exercise sharing templates and highly customizable. Under the “Home” tab, you can see the “Recent Exercises” module, and click “View All” to see all the exercise records imported from the health app. Click on any exercise record, and at the bottom of the interface, there is a “Share Fitness Training” button.

In the sharing page, we can add photos to the shared image. The photos can be selected directly from the album, you can take a picture and use it directly, or you can choose one of some beautiful pictures built into the app by default. The first setting option of the campaign sharing template is “Graphic Layout”, which can be selected from “Full Image”, “With Shape” and “Horizontal Full Image”. The second setting option for the motion sharing template is “Colors” and the app offers 21 preset colors to choose from, and if you’re not satisfied with that, you can also create custom colors with the grid, spectrum or slider tools. The third setting option of the sports sharing template is “Data”, which provides indicators such as distance, calories, time, elevation, average heart rate, maximum heart rate, etc. depending on the type of sports shared, and you can toggle whether to display them or not by clicking the indicator button. In addition, you can choose whether to display the road map or heart rate map in “Data”, while these two legends can be adjusted in size by two-finger zooming, in angle by two-finger rotating, and in position by one-finger dragging. The fourth setting option in the sports sharing template is “Other”, where you can choose whether to show the legend for physical training, equipment, geographic location and time. In addition, you can choose whether to display the user avatar in the bottom right corner in “Other”, but only if you have set the user avatar in the “Home” tab in advance.

Other updates
Geekbench: Officially released v6.0 version, the scoring rules are weakened for single-core scoring, and the benchmarking load has been comprehensively improved, adding tests for background blur, photo filtering, AI object detection and ray tracing, and removing the encryption performance test module.

1Password: Updated to v8.10.0 with improvements to Face ID and Touch ID unlock performance for 1Password 8 for iOS and Safari; the ability to search item lists by swiping down in the list and using the search field; and added support for using continuous interoperability and relay features between Apple devices.